Our paper Enhanced Flight Performance of Non-Uniformly Flexible Wings has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
Our paper Shape Optimization of Tumbling Wings has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
I joined Université libre de Brussels (TIPs lab) in Brussels, Belgium, where I am now working on water exit problems, applied to coating.
Our paper Passive flight in density-stratified fluids has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
I am now a research Assistant Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at USC. This (Fall) semester, I'll be teaching AME 309 (Dynamics of Fluids). Stay tuned !
Our paper Dynamics of Water Entry has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Our paper Seeing through porous media: an experimental study for unveiling interstitial flows has been accepted for publication in Hydrological Processes.
Thank you Dianna Cowern (aka The Physics Girl) for attending my talk and posting about the coolness of the wedge's splashes !
Our research on diving wedges is featured on Viterbi News !
See article here.
Another year, another DFD. Denver here we come!
Don't miss:
- Microfluidic systems for investigating host-microbe relationship (talk by my fellow post-doc Arunima Battacharjee) - Free Falling in Stratified Fluids (talk by Ph.D. student Try Lam); check out his video on stratified flows! - Shape matters: Improved flight in tapered auto-rotating wings (talk by my student Yucen Liu) - Diving wedges (my talk, in the special session "Diving birds and flying fish" organized by Alexandra Techet (MIT) and Eva Kanso (USC))
Our research on diving wedges was featured on the excellent fluid dynamics blog F**k Yeah Fluid Dynamics (FYFD) !
See article here.
The work of the talented students under my supervision and myself will be presented at the incoming 69th APS DFD meeting in Portland!
Don't miss:
- Geometric design of the best performing auto-rotating wing (poster by Yucen Liu) - Fluttering in Stratified Flows (talk by Try Lam, Sunday 5:37 PM in room C124); check out his video on stratified flows! - Crossing the boundary: experimental investigation of water entry conditions of V-shaped wedges (talk by Tingben Xiao, 10:53 AM in room C125-126) - Aerodynamic shapes of two-dimensional splashes (my talk, Monday 11:45 AM in room C125-126) - and, last but not least: Slamming and slapping: the story of a diving wedge (Gallery of Fluid Motion movie (Entry # V0106), prepared by Daniel Yohann).
Our paper Holes stabilize freely falling coins has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
Our invited paper Under the microscope cover slip: spontaneous flows and bacterial behavior has been accepted for publication in the CCT'15 Proceedings by World Scientific.